How to Rent


  1. Come to an open house or arrange a viewing using the contact us function.
  2. Ask questions and share information.
  3. You do not need to apply to view the property and express interest. There never is any application fee.
  4. Let us know you really want the house. Let us know! Email, phone, text…. All of them!
  5. Together we will identify the steps to complete the rental process and sign the lease.
  6. At the owner’s sole discretion a few applicants may sign later. You will bring the required monies to the lease signing, which secures your home. That’s it, the house is yours!
  7. Complete an application for each person over 18 years old that will be living in the property.
  8. Once complete, your application(s) will be evaluated using our  Tenant Selection Criteria.
  9. If everyone meets the selection criteria you will be offered the opportunity to lease the house. You have 48 hours to sign the lease and pay the required monies.
  10. If you do not complete the lease within 48 hours you have lost your opportunity and we will offer the property to others.
  11. The landlord is prohibited from taking an adverse action against a tenant based on eviction history occurring during or within six months after the end of the civil emergency proclaimed by Mayor Durkan on March 3, 2020, and the Seattle Office for Civil Rights is the department that will enforce any violations of this ordinance.